About us
Who we are ?

Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI) is the organization responsible for the international relations of Wallonia-Brussels. It is the instrument of the international policy conducted by the Wallonia, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, and the French Community Commission of the Brussels-Capital Region, federated entities of Belgium.
As part of agreements with 70 countries and regions, as well as its positioning within multilateral bodies, WBI's mission is to support all its French-speaking Belgian partners wishing to internationalize (creators, artists, entrepreneurs, students, higher education institutions, researchers) and to enhance the impact, influence, and reputation of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and Wallonia abroad.
WBI promotes the components of Wallonia and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (WBF) as entities with the ability to act internationally and advocates for the values and interests of each party in a spirit of mutual cooperation.
WBI carries out its missions in a partnership approach with its operators, public actors, and policymakers through a "user-oriented" strategy fueled by ongoing consultation and information.
The missions of WBI are granted through the cooperation agreement between the French Community, the Walloon Region, and the French Community Commission of the Brussels-Capital Region (COCOF), creating a joint entity for the international relations of Wallonia-Brussels. This agreement was ratified by a decree on May 9, 2008, whose Article 2 specifies: "WBI is responsible for the preparation and coordination of international relations as well as for carrying out the tasks they involve, in matters under the jurisdiction of the French Community, the Walloon Region, including matters whose execution has been transferred to it by the French Community, and the French Community Commission, in the framework of matters whose execution has been transferred to it by the French Community. It implements the policy defined by the Government of the French Community, the Government of the Walloon Region, and the College of the French Community Commission."
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Our missions
WBI's missions are embodied concretely through five professions:
- Diplomatic representation
- Support for project development
- Promotion of actors and operators
- Networking, in Belgium and abroad
- Consulting, international expertise, and strategic monitoring
These professions are expressed through actions carried out in the fields of development cooperation, human rights, culture, health and social affairs, environment, youth mobility, education and training, higher education, research and innovation, tourism or sport.
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Our diplomatic and sectoral networks abroad
Through its representations abroad, Wallonie-Bruxelles International offers actors and partners from Wallonia and Brussels support, advice, and activities tailored to their needs and the specificities of the 24 countries under their jurisdiction.
WBI carries out its actions through a network of General Delegations with diplomatic status in Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, Morocco, Tunisia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Vietnam, Quebec, Chile, China, Geneva, Paris, and Brussels (Representation to the European Union).
The network abroad also includes sectoral networks: the Scientific and Academic Advisors (SAA) and the Cultural and Heritage Development Officers.
The WBI network includes two cultural centers: the Wallonie-Bruxelles Center in Paris and the Wallonie-Bruxelles Center in Kinshasa. This setup is complemented by the Théâtre des Doms in Avignon.
The representation and liaison networks of Wallonie-Bruxelles International are part of a complementary approach with the economic and commercial representation network of the Walloon Agency for Export and Foreign Investment (AWEX) to offer our operators comprehensive international coverage and relays worldwide.
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WBI and the Francophonie
Beyond the political aspect and our financial contribution to the 8 institutions responsible for Francophone cooperation, our membership in the Francophonie allows us to showcase our expertise and know-how. It also enables us to shine globally and relay our values and priorities.
Concretely, the Federation Wallonia-Brussels and Wallonia provide support for the programming of all Francophonie institutions responsible for cooperation, namely the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF), the International Association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF), the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), TV5MONDE (via the MFWB), the Senghor University in Alexandria, as well as the Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports of La Francophonie (CONFEJES), the Conference of Ministers of Education of Francophone States and Governments (CONFEMEN), and the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie (APF).
The Francophonie also allows us to strengthen our bilateral commitment for the benefit of Southern populations and to support operators implementing actions within the framework of multilateral Francophone cooperation.
The political aspect of the Francophonie offers the Minister-President of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels the opportunity to sit and decide on an equal footing alongside Heads of State and Government during Summits.
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WBI, an engaged actor in the European Union
The European Union Department of Wallonie-Bruxelles International monitors the EU's foreign policy and enlargement policy when these can impact the international cooperation carried out by Wallonia and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels.
The General Delegation of Wallonia-Brussels to the European Union, integrated into the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the European Union, defends the interests of the Governments of Wallonia and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels in the EU decision-making process through its direct participation in the work of the Council of the European Union.
Wallonia Meets Europe is an initiative of the Walloon authorities aimed at amplifying and accelerating the positioning of regional actors in European initiatives and programs, while facilitating their access to European funding.
As part of European territorial cooperation, WBI coordinates the participation of Wallonia and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels in territorial cooperation programs: Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen, Interreg Grande Région, Interreg Meuse-Rhin, Interreg North-West Europe, Interreg Europe and URBACT.
An essential structure for these programs, WBI is closely involved in the co-construction and implementation work: coordinating administrative, budgetary, and control monitoring, actively participating in the operational and decision-making bodies of the programs within the project selection process and the physical monitoring of these projects.
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WBI in multilateral forums
WBI, from its headquarters in Brussels and through its General Delegations in Paris and Geneva, works to coordinate and amplify the voice of the French-speaking federated entities of Belgium within multilateral organizations on the multilateral stage.
WBI is present and particularly active in the work of :
- The United Nations (UN): promotion of human rights, the rule of law, gender equality, tolerance and inclusion, diversity, and the fight against violence and all forms of discrimination and abuse (Human Rights Committee, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Agreement between the Federation Wallonia-Brussels and the OHCHR, United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, COP Climate).
- The World Health Organization (WHO): Framework Agreement between the Walloon Government and the WHO, World Health Assembly.
- The International Labour Organization (ILO): Framework Agreement between the Walloon Government and the ILO, International Labour Conference.
- The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): promotion and safeguarding of tangible and intangible heritage, cultural diversity, education.
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WBI, partner in cooperation
Through an umbrella organization ("Cooperation Task Force") that brings together the departments of Direct and Indirect Bilateral Cooperation, Francophonie, and the APEFE, thus combining a bilateral and multilateral positioning, WBI ensures a strategic coordination mission for the 8 priority partner countries of the cooperation: Benin, Burkina Faso, Morocco, Palestine, DRC, Rwanda, Senegal, and Tunisia.
In the field of development cooperation, WBI's actions are part of an approach to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are built in connection with the ambitions of our partners. The goal is to be united in addressing global issues that have been clearly set on the global agenda through the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
WBI focuses on the articulation between direct cooperation (support for governmental strategies) and indirect cooperation (support for civil society initiatives). This involves pooling resources, coordinating strategies, and sharing knowledge between WBI, AWEX, and APEFE. Th
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Research & Innovation
With its network of Scientific and Academic Advisors (SAA), the Research & Innovation Service (R&I) of WBI is the focal point for all institutions and actors in R&I wishing to connect with other innovative regions around the world.
WBI supports the internationalization of R&I actors in Wallonia and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels by:
- Facilitating contact and cooperation with foreign R&I organizations through the international network of WBI and AWEX.
- Coordinating, at the request of R&I operators, scientific and technological components for official Belgian missions (State Visits, Economic Missions) and major innovation events.
- Strengthening the presence and visibility of R&I operators in international research programs and networks.
- Supporting the activation of bilateral research agreements (in partnership with WBI's bilateral department) to promote international mobility between foreign researchers and those from the FWB.
In addition, the Research & Innovation (R&I) Service of WBI coordinates the WBI R&I Platform, which brings together all research actors in Wallonia and the FWB (universities, competitiveness clusters, valorization networks, incubators, public authorities).
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Mobility supported by scholarships
Significant resources are made available to citizens and foreign nationals to support an international mobility project that falls under one of the 12 existing schemes.
These programs enable bilateral partners to implement their projects by using scholarships for studies, research, or vocational training as a means of action. They also allow individuals to apply, as part of an individual initiative, to develop a specific objective.
The number of applications is constantly increasing, both for incoming and outgoing mobility. This requires continuous evaluation of the tools and monitoring of the legislative and regulatory environment governing the international movement of individuals.
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Our sectoral agencies
WBI offers sectoral and cross-cutting mechanisms with a broader scope than a defined geographical area. The fields of action are wide-ranging: Culture, Education and Training, Youth...
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The specialized agencies play a crucial role in promoting the dissemination and international market access for cultural operators, through various means including:
- the organization of focus events or specific events abroad, aimed at ensuring the visibility of our creators and opening up prospects for future partnerships;
- the creation of promotional and informational tools, both for foreign professional networks and for actors from Wallonia and Brussels;
- a "coaching" service for operators in the international arena.
Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures
Wallonie-Bruxelles Design Mode
Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre Danse
Haut de la pageHigher Education
Wallonie-Bruxelles Campus, through its website www.studyinbelgium.be, is a WBI agency whose role is to promote the higher education of French-speaking Belgium on the international stage and to assist international students who wish to study there.
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The International Youth Office is a service of Wallonie-Bruxelles International co-managed by the Federation Wallonia-Brussels and established to manage international programs for young people from Wallonia and Brussels outside the school framework. Each year, more than 5,000 young adults benefit from these funds.
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WBI, an innovative and learning organization
WBI continues its objective of supporting all its partners and users while upholding the values of Wallonia and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels. Thanks to a competent and dedicated team, both at headquarters and internationally, and in partnership with AWEX, APEFE, and VISITWallonia, WBI is committed to providing enhanced support in Belgium and around the world. This ecosystem ensures solid support for its users to successfully achieve their ambitions, projects, and accomplishments.
WBI's activities integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. Agility, adaptation, and inclusion are essential to meet the expectations of our Governments, Parliamentarians, partners, and stakeholders, in order to provide more tailored support and more efficient structures. The goal is to best promote our talents, operators, entrepreneurs, supervisory authorities, and values to meet the challenges of the new globalization.
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Find us
Wallonie-Bruxelles International
Place Sainctelette, 2
1080 Bruxelles
Email : wbi@wbi.be
Phone: 0032 2 421 82 11