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Wallonia-Brussels in Durban 2015: XIV World Forestry Congress

Wallonia-Brussels International is pleased to invite decision-makers, opinion leaders, scientists and industrials to discuss the consequences of technologies and policies development for forests, people and the planet. 


The objective of the side event will be to provide several views for presenting new concepts of management of forests. It will be a great opportunity to be close with the research community involved in the thematic and will help the audience in better understanding the action of Wallonia-Brussels and how they could contribute to achieve common goals.



•18h-18h15: Registrations
•18h15-18h25: Introduction - Towards a better governance of forests in Wallonia: the Nature & Forests Department
Philippe BLEROT, Inspector-General (Wallonia Public Service, Nature & Forests Department)
•18h25-18h40: ERAIFT: Support for the development, formulation, monitoring and evaluation of sectorial policies
Baudouin MICHEL, Director (Regional Post-graduate Training School of Integrated Management of Tropical Forests and Lands)
•18h40-18h55: Ibi Batéké Agroforestry Carbon Sink, a ten years’ rural development model from clean development mechanism to REDD+
Olivier MUSHIETE, Partner & CEO (Novacel SA)
•18h55-19h05: Contribution of the Belgian expertise to the progress of the social forestry in Central Africa
Cédric VERMEULEN, Professor (Ulg-Gembloux)
•19h05-19h15: Tree, forest and forestry issues at the University of Louvain (UCL): a diversity of approaches and disciplinary contributions
Christine FARCY, Researcher & Lecturer (University of Louvain-la-Neuve)
•19h15-19h30: Q&A, Closing remarks


International Convention Centre
Inkosi Albert Luthuli ICC Complex, 45 Bram Fischer Rd, Durban, 4001, South Africa
Hall 2B
Wednesday, September 9th (06h PM – 07h PM)



As a public administration, Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI) is responsible for the international relations of the Walloon Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, both French speaking entities of the Belgian federal state.
Thanks to its exclusive capacities in various and essential areas (amongst others: education, economy, culture, research, sustainable development, etc.) and the international extension of these fields, WBI has developed a particularly dense network abroad and fostered the signing of bilateral cooperation agreements. Also widely involved at the multilateral level, WBI mainly focuses its action on the academic, scientific and cultural sectors in close cooperation with the AWEX, the Walloon agency for exports and foreign investment, which supports the industrial sector abroad.
In this respect, WBI became FAO’s partner in “The Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel initiative”, reflecting the importance of Wallonia-Brussels’ commitment on the management of forests and the training of managers in Africa. The expertise of its universities and private operators is recognized internationally.
By participating in the World Forestry Congress, Wallonia-Brussels aims to share its experience in good governance and sustainable forestry with international partners. 



•Laurence DEGOUDENNE, Counsellor, Multilateral Cooperation – Wallonia-Brussels International - 
•Jessica MICLOTTE, Project Officer, Research & Innovation Department - Wallonia-Brussels International –